Senin, 27 September 2010

Recount Text

    This time for us to learn / understand the intention of the recount text.   Without us knowing it within 1 day we can make dozens of recount text. Usually we tell our personal experiences or experiences of others.

Definition of  Recount Text

        Recount text is a text that is used to retell events or experiences in the past for the purpose of informing or entertaining the audience or reader. 

The generic structures of Recount Text are :
-   Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened.
-   Events        :  A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence
-   Re-orientation :  Restate the writer opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident.

The significant lexicographical features :
-   Use of simple past tense
-   Use of temporal conjunctions ( when, after, before, next, later, then, etc )
-   Use of personal pronoun ( I, we )

Example :

                                                   Dear Dewi,

    Orientation                     On Saturday I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at Nisa          
                                      And Achmad ' s house at Cemara Lawang, Probolinggo.
                                         It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a fish pond.

    Event                                          On Sunday Nisa and I saw Gunung Batok and went on the scenic ride on horseback. It was scary. Then we went to get a closer look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful scenery there.
   Re-orientation                  It was fun.


Present Tense


       Present Tense  to respond & express the meaning within simple monologue text that use the variety of writing accurate, fluently, & uses in habitual activities to access knowledge in recount text.
A.     Verbal Sentence
Affirmative Form
(+) S + VI ( +es / +s ) + object + adverb
Negative Form 
 (-) S + do/does + not +VI + object + adverb
Interrogative Form 
 (?) Do/does + S + VI + object + adverb ?
B.     Non Verbal Sentence
Affirmative Form
(+) S + to be + noun/ adjective/adverb
Negative Form
(-) S + to be + not + noun /adjective/adverb
Interrogative Form
            (?) To be + S + noun/adjective/adverb ?

Narrative Text

                                                        Never heard his story of Snow White, Cinderella, Pinocchio, etc.                                                        earlier story is part of the narrative text 
  As the picture on the side.

          Narrative text is text fiction or illusion. As tale. Narrative text is to tell something in the past. The purpose is to entertaining, created/stimulated, motivated, guide & teach.

The generic structure of the narrative text :
-   Orientation                                  :  The setting of the story. The starting point of a narrative story to make readers understand what the story talking about. Describing the main character of the story.( it answers the question : who, what, when, and where )
-   Complication                               :  The problem raises in the story. It usually involves the main characters.
-   Resolution                                   :  The thing happens after the problem raises. Main character find a way to solve the problem.

Kind of Narrative Text :
-   Legend                                        :  Malin Kundang, Lake Toba
-   Fairy Tale                                    :  Snow White, Cinderella
-   Horror                                         :  The Wall, House of the death

Example text :
Orientation                                              Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella. Who lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters.

Complication                                           One day the two stepsisters received an invitation to a ball that the king's son was going to give at the palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear……………
Resolution                                                Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella's ragged dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown……..       
                                                            Finally she was driven to the palace. The king's son was overjoyed                                                                 see her again. They were married and lived happily ever after.

Gaining Attention

     Gaining Attention is a way or expressions that is spoken so  that other. People will pay their attention to what we want to.The pupose of gaining attention is to find attention the other people pay attention.

The examples expressions of Gaining Attention :
-   Attention, please !
-   May I have your attention, please !
-   Excuse me, look here !
-   Listening to me, please
-   Waiter !
-   I'm sorry but….

To respond the expressions about something that refers to Gaining Attention we can use :
-   I'm listening….
-   I'm ready to hear now…
-   Let's hear it together..
      - Wow, that's true

Perfect Tense

       Perfect tense to respond & express the meaning nuance & the rhetorical steps within the short functional & simple monolog essay taxt in the form. Perfect tense is formed by combining have/has with the main verb past participle form : I have arrived
Have/has + past participle

1)      Regular verb. Add +ed or +d on past& past participle
Ex : I have cleaned the blackboard
2)      Irregular verb
      Ex :  - Buy → Bought
-   do→ done
-   get→ got
-   etc.
(+) The students have entered tha classs
(-)  The student have not entered the class
(?)  Have the students entered the class ?
(+) S + have / has + VIII

(-)  S +have / has  +not + VIII
(?)  Have / Has + S + VIII ?

Past Tense

    Past Tense is a kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened  in a certain time in the past.
How do we make a simple past tense :
The pattern :
(+) S + V II+ complement
(-)  S + did + not + VII + complement
( ? ) Did + S + VI ?
 For Example :
(+) I went to Tangkiling yesterday
(-)  I didn't go anywhere last night
(?) Did you go last week ?
         We conjugate the verb to be ( I was, You were, she/he/it was, we were, they were )

Vocabs : Shapes, Part of Body

       Shapes is all the geometrical information that remains when location, scale and rotational effects are filtered out from an object.

Simple Straight sided shapes
Simple Rounded shapes
3D shapes
Mathematical shapes
Pentagon - 5 sides
Octagon - 8 sides
Miscellaneous shapes

Image 1.1 Example of Shapes

o Part of Body

  • The Body = Tubuh
1.Hair = Rambut
2.Head = Kepala
3.Neck = Leher
4.Throat = Tenggorokan
5.Shoulder = Bahu
6.Chest = Dada
7.Back = Punggung
8.Waist = Pinggung
9.Stomach = Perut
10.Hip = Pinggul
11.Bottom = Pantat
12.Armpit = Ketiak
13.Arm = Lengan
14.Upper arm = Lengan Atas
15.Elbow = Siku
16.Forearm = Lengan Bawah
17.Wrist = Pergelangan Tangan
18.Fist = Kepalan Tangan
19.Hand = Tanagn
20.Palm = Tapak Tangan
21.Thumb = Ibu Jari
22.Finger = Jari Tangan
23.Nail = Kuku
24.Leg = Kaki
25.Thigh = Paha
26.Knee = Lutut
27.Calf = Betis
28.Ankle = Pergelangan Kaki
29.Foot = Kaki
30.Heel = Tumit
31.Instep = Kura-Kura Kaki
32.Sole = Tapak Kaki
33.Toes = Jari Kaki

  • The Insides = Organ Dalam
1.Brain = Otak
2.Windpipe = Batang Tenggorokan
3.Heart = Jantung
4.Lung = Paru-Paru
5.Liver = Hati
6.Kidney = Ginjal
7.Intestines = Usus
8.Bladder = Kandung Kemis
9.Vein = Pembuluh Balik
10.Artery = Pembuluh Nadi
11.Muscle = Otot

The Eye = MATA
1.Eyeball = Bola Mata
2.Eyebrow = Alis Mata
3.Eyelid = Kelopak Mata
4.Eyelashes = Bulu Mata
5.Pupil = Manik Mata
6.Iris = Selaput Pelangi

  • The Face = Wajah
1.Eye = Mata
2.Noise = Hidung
3.Ear = Telinga
4.Mouth = Mulut
5.Cheek = Pipi
6.Chin = Dagu
7.Temple = Pelipis
8.Forehead/Brow = Dahi/Kenig
9.Jaw = Rahang
10. Moustache = Kumis
11.Beard = Janggut
12.Tooth = Gigi
13.Lip = Bibir
14.Tongue = Lidah

Image 1.2  Example of Part of Body
 Image 1.3  Example Part of Body Version Japan

Sympathy Expression

        Sympathy Expressions is an expression feeling of pity & sorrow when we know on see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people's condition.
We give sympathy expressions to someone we express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by Short Messages Service ( SMS ), e-mail, radio, and newspaper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us.

Examples of Sympathy Expressions
  • I'm sorry to hear that
  • I'm awfully sorry about…
  • Oh. Dear !
  • Oh, what a shame
  • How pity you are !
  • I know how it feels
  • I do  sympathize
  • What a terrible situation for you
  • I'm extremely sorry to hear that


           On this occasion I want to tell you a little about   the    invitation.  Yesterday my friend gave me an  invitation. It contained an invitation like this next picture.
    Definition of Invitation
                  Invitation is a request ( spoken or written ) to participate or be present or take part in programme/events or to do something. We can find Invitation at everywhere. Saveral example invitation :
    -   Party Invitation
    -   Birthday Invitation
    -   Wedding Invitation
    -   Profound Sorrow Invitation
    a)   If you want to invite someone you can use several sentences as follows :
    ·  I would like to invite you to come to my party birthday
    ·  Would you like to come to my cafĂ© ?
    ·  How would you like to Cineme 21 with us last week ?
    ·  If you're not busy, please try to come to my house.
    ·  Let's go to Kum-Kum !
    ·  If you don't any other plans, would you come to the my house.

    b)      How to Accepting an invitation :
    ·  Great ! Let's do it !
    ·  Thank you. I'd like to
    ·  That's a good idea
    ·  That would be very nice
    ·  I'd like to, thank you
    ·  Thank you for the invitation. How to Declining an invitation
    ·  I'd be glad to

    c)      How to Declining an invitation :
    ·  I'm really sorry about that
    ·  Sorry, I can't. I have something to do that day
    ·  Thank you for inviting us, but we have a many business to do
    ·  That's very kind of you, but unfortunately I well heve to miss it
    ·  We are very sorry. We have already had an appointment that tim
    ·  I'd like to, but I have to baby sit my little sister