Kamis, 25 November 2010

Giving Instruction

    I would like to share a little information about giving instruction.
On this occasion I will tell my uncle's profession.
My uncle is a member of the Army of Indonesia. My uncle has the task to train the shoot to the other members of the Army of Indonesia.
And this time there happens to be tourists who visit the office.
My uncle had taught it to shoot tourists.
And my uncle taught him. First, make sure the gun is loaded.
Next, place your hands on this gun lever puller.
Yaa... that's my uncle explain it to tourists.
If you want to give instructions properly to other people then read this topic yaaa ...

          Giving Instruction is an expressions that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
  • Giving instruction statement can use : 
1.When demonstrate a recipe of food or drink
2.When ask somebody to do something that we want
3.When people ask unknown address

For example :
-   Open your book, please !
-   Close the door, please !
-   Be Quiet, please !
-   Move the chair !
-   Pass me the sugar, please !
-   Stand up, please !
-   Cut the grass in the yard !

Respond on giving instruction :
-   Yes
-   No problem
-   No. I can't
-   O.K.

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